Business Ethics is the group's guidelines for responsibility and good corporate ethics, and it helps us ensure compliance with legislation ect., across all companies in the group. Furthermore, it guides us in making sound and valuable decisions that create values for employees, for the group, for customers, business partners and society.
At K.W. Bruun, we are determined to contribute to the society we are a part of. Our social responsibility approach is based on our Business Ethics and on our core values, CARE. The purpose of this approach is to ensure a high sense of responsibility in all our activities, whether in relation to employees, customers, cooperation partners or society in general.
We take active social responsibility through ownership, corporate governance and responsible investments that live up to the UN Global Compact guidelines regarding labour rights, human rights, the environment and anti-corruption. In this way, K.W. Bruun contributes to several of the 17 UN Sustainable Development More specifically Good Health and well-being, Gender equality, Sustainable cities and communities, Decent work and economic growth and partnerships for the goals.
Download our Corporate Social Responsibility from 2019 to 2023:
Behaving responsibly and with integrity is at the core of the K.W. Bruun group’s values. The group aims to comply with all relevant authority requirements and requirements to pay correct taxes under current tax regulations. A compulsory part of this is to contribute tax payments in the countries where K.W. Bruun has activities, to contribute to development and to society in general in these countries.
In 2022, K.W. Bruun & Co A/S, the K.W. Bruun group’s administrative unit, was the 74th largest corporation tax contributor in Denmark.
In 2023, the group's total tax contributions came to DKK 2,341 million. In addition to corporation tax, these tax contributions include payroll taxes, dividend tax, VAT and other duties and taxes. Furthermore, there is the Danish registration tax paid by car dealers when registering the group's car sales.
At K.W. Bruun, we are aware of the increased data ethics responsibility that comes with rapid technological developments, and we are addressing the need for an ethical data use and development framework that goes beyond the statutory requirements for data processing stipulated in the EU General Data Protection Regulation and the national Data Protection Act.
At K.W. Bruun, we process several types of data. This includes data that is confidential due to business concerns, and ordinary as well as sensitive personal data.
Ragnhild Bruuns Fund and Direktør K.W. Bruun & Hustrus Familiefond, the two family owned funds behind K.W. Bruun Group, donates yearly to a range of organizations or causes that are special to the business and to the Bruun Family. K.W. Bruun Groups employees can partake in nominating good causes for donations.